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ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


Institut für Geotechnik, D-BAUG
Target group: Students D-BAUG 3rd & 4th Semester
Projekttyp: e-Learning
Keywords: Interactive Pedagogy, Virtual laboratory, Structures, Geotechnics

The project CALICE aims to stimulate the use of new information and communication technologies in teaching and research at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering (D-BAUG). The project benefits from international cooperation and ETH-wide links in the form of technology sharing and didactic expertise.

Third and fourth semester courses in geotechnics and the theory of structures make substantial use of IT within the CALICE environment. Lectures, exercises, simulations, quizzes and tests are made available online. The project also builds a knowledge infrastructure for several courses in the upper semesters. As students can equip themselves with laptop computers through the Neptun project WLAN cards, live simulations can be demonstrated on demand.

Research presentations and colloquia have also be webcast to international partners through an infostructure enabling video streaming and live web interaction.

2000/04/01 Project start
2001/02/08 The first implementation of the courses has been delivered successfully with positive evaluation from the students
2002/03/31 Delivery of additional modules
2002/03/31 Project end


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