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ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


Institut für Informationssysteme, D-INFK
Projekttyp: Infostructure Elements
Keywords: XML, Virtual Counterparts of Physical Objects, Ubiquitous Computing, RFID, Radio Tags, Privacy, Positioning, Physical Hyperlinks, PDA, Mobile Devices, Location Awareness, Infrared Beacons, Context Awareness, Barcodes, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth

The project will address the coupling of the physical campus infrastructure with the ETH "infostructure". By embedding hyperlinks into the ETH campus and attaching information to physical objects, visible entry points into the information space of ETH World are created, enabling a natural interaction between the physical and virtual environment and thus providing ubiquitous access to ETH World. Providing location information for physical rooms and artifacts simplifies retrieval of information that is associated with them and also allows people to navigate more easily. Through on-going evaluation, important questions regarding privacy and social acceptance of such a paradigm will be analyzed.

2001/10/01 Project start
2001/11/01 Interweaving the physical campus infrastructure with the ETH infostructure
2002/03/01 Provision and utilization of location information
2003/07/01 Investigation and evaluation of privacy and acceptance aspects
2003/12/31 Project end


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