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'ldaps' SER Module

ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.

The ldaps SER module allows simple queries for a single attribute stored in LDAPS, e.g. queries for sAMAccountName attributes associated with an e-mail alias. Return values are transformed according to entries stored in a database table.

Exported Module Functions

Perform an LDAPS lookup and if an entry is found, replace target uri.

Exported Module Parameters

ldaps_server (string)
Name or IP address of the LDAPS server to be queried.
ldaps_port (integer)
Port number of the LDAPS server to be queried. The default value is 636.
ldaps_base (string)
The base distinguished name (dn) used for the query.
ldaps_attribute (string)
The LDAPS attribute to be queried. Default value is sAMAccountName.
append_domain (string)
SIP domain to be appended to the phone number, if an attribute is found in LDAPS. Set this to the default SIP domain of your SER server.
ldaps_user (string)
User name to bind to the LDAPS server.
ldaps_password (string)
Password to bind to the LDAPS server.
ldaps_bind_dn (string)
Distinguished name (dn) used to bind to the LDAPS server.
ldaps_filterprefix (string)
String added to the LDAP filter when performing the LDAPS query. Default value is proxyAddresses=smtp:
field_inetPhoneNo (string)
Name of database field used to store inetPhoneNo. Default value is inetPhoneNo.
field_username (string)
Name of database field used to store username. Default value is username.

Downloads for ser-0.8.14

Download ldaps Module 1.0 for SER 0.8.14

This module is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
If you have questions regarding this module, please contact Marcel Baur.

Downloads for later versions (cvs)

Download ldaps Module 1.0 for SER cvs

This module is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
If you have questions regarding this module, please contact Marcel Baur.


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