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Technology Showcase Events

ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


ETH World welcomes the growing community of developers, users and other interested persons to a series of Technology Showcase events. Monthly during the semester, these events offer a forum for demonstrations, discussion and exchange of experiences in the field of information and communication technologies.

The presentations are usually held in German, but the subsequent discussion can be both in English and German.

Past Events
22 June 2005: The Millipede Project
24 May 2005: The Grid computing solution
20 April 2005: Wie bitte? – Technologien für Sprachverarbeitung

2 February 2005: Internet-Telefonie an der ETH
12 January 2005: Das Semantic Web – Maschinen surfen im Netz
8 December 2004: Computergames – Trends und Technologien
3 November 2004: Together – Application Sharing an der ETH

30 June 2004: Ubiquitous Computing – Interaction with Everyday Objects
2 June 2004: BuildingIP – the Lecture Hall of the Future
5 May 2004: Blue-c – Telecollaboration in Three Dimensionen
14 April 2004: JavaCards: Enough to Go to the Moon – and Back Again

21 January 2004: Vom grünen Magnus-Salz zum aufrollbaren Bildschirm?
17 December 2003: Digitale Animation und Musikproduktion
26 November 2003: Intuitives Verstehen mit 3D-Objekten
29 October 2003: Lernen «anything-anywhere-anytime»

2 July 2003: Kultur im Netz
11 June 2003: Always online – Always under attack
7 May 2003: Web Content Management – ganz einfach
9 April 2003: Liest Big Brother meine E-Mails?

29 January 2003: Speakers Corner
22 January 2003: Software PLAY
18 December 2002: Voice over IP (VoIP)
20 November 2002: Wearable Computing


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