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ICT Strategy

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Good information and communication are essential for ensuring that teams deliver their very best performance. ETH Zurich supports electronic communication platforms that simplify and intensify the flow of information, facilitate cooperation, contribute to community building and enhance the participation of all ETH members in institutional decision-making.
F2 ETH Zurich promotes the ICT competence of all its staff members.
F3 ETH Zurich promotes the use of ICT to enable all its members to work independently of time and place.
F4 ETH Zurich promotes standards for workplace computer equipment for different user groups. Standards are set at the appropriate level (Department, Laboratory, Chair). The goal is to improve the efficiency of the organization, the use of funds and support.
F5 ICT is implemented at ETH Zurich in compliance with all the regulations governing information security and privacy.
F6 ETH Zurich advocates a reasonable balance between the protection of intellectual property and the privacy of electronic data, on the one hand, and the interests of education and research, on the other hand.
F7 ETH Zurich ensures that information in digital form (documents, electronic publications, databases) is preserved and remains accessible to future generations.
F8 ETH Zurich maintains a coherent and comprehensive institutional strategy for the use of information and communication technologies in all its core processes. A review is carried out every three years to establish how well the strategic goals have been attained

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