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ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


Sicherheitspolitik u. Konfliktanalysen, D-GESS
Projekttyp: e-Learning
Keywords: WebCT, virtuelle Lernplattform, Usability Testing, UML, Task Analysis, Sicherheitspolitik, Perl, Open Source, Neue Lernformen, Learning Management System, Java, Database, C++, Blended learning

The project ERLES changed the didactical design of the lecture series "World Politics Since 1945: History of International Relations (Security Policy II)" held by Prof. Andreas Wenger in the summer semester 2002. ERLES aimed at adding value to traditional lecture series by
- increasing students' own initiative
- allowing students to learn anywhere, anytime, and according to their
respective learning pace
- differentiating between different student groups
- making use of the services of the International Relations and
Security Network (ISN)
In order to reach those objectives, the project combined lectures, where a physical presence was required, with individual work during which students worked alone or in groups on various historical and current security-relevant topics. They used the services of specialised Internet portals and a web-based learning environment for cooperation, discussion, and for publishing their essays. The results of the group works were presented in the plenum at the end of the semester. While working on their assignments, students increased their knowledge of security policy with the help of a reader and the interactive learning module SPIRIT (Security Policy, International Relations, and Information Technology).

2002/02/01 Project start
2002/07/30 Semesterabschluss
2002/10/30 Project end


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